Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Long Form Social Media

I have words to say, which is why Tumblr has been finding itself lacking in terms of optimal length of content. So here I am, revisiting blogspot after a long time, I suspect I have other blogs floating around in the ether, but they have long since faded into irrelevance. Anyway, my stream of conscience is starting to wander to things other than writing, so better get to it.

Anyway, I'm an overgrown man child that likes to assemble, paint and play with toy soldiers, if the title of this blog wasn't a give-away already. As a hobby it passes the time between birth and death well enough, and I've been doing long enough to get somewhat decent at it. I have been in the hobby on and off since some time in late nineties after my father was foolish enough to bring some Games Workshop advertising literature back from a newly opened franchise in my home city of Canberra. Needless to say, the big Gee-Dub got their claws in good that night.

So, I played for a bit 40k and some Necromunda, then lost interest. Gained it again at university, then it continued at a slow burn until late 2009, when my painting skills started to ratchet up in terms of quality, compared to my early feeble attempts, which is what got me more fully into painting of little man(g)s of war, so the speak.

Not to say that I don't actually play the games now and then, I'm currently playing 40k and poised to break out into Infinity, Warmachine, Dropzone Commander, Bolt Action, Malifaux and Frostgrave. I used to play Flames of War as well (Cancon 2007, 2008 tourney), but that has died off a bit but may be revived in the future.

I expect that this blog will encompass gaming as much as painting in the future, mostly whatever I feel like at any given moment.

So for now, I have a few things coming up in my hobby. I'm currently working on a new video for my Youtube channel on the subject of weathering, so there is that. I've also got a short tournament report coming concerning ANUCon 2015. I am also lucky enough to be going to PAX Melbourne this year. Reaper Miniatures has a booth there and heaps of other nerd stuff is available, with this in mind I'm sure I'll have some words to write on the subject.

That is all for now, I suppose. Have a good one.

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