Friday, June 9, 2017

Where I'm at, and where I'm going with the hobby. 2017 and beyond.

If I am honest with myself, I'm a bit of a war gaming magpie. I tend to buy a lot and play comparatively little. My pile of metal and plastic, while impressive has been a constant source of irritation for me. With 8th edition 40k looming on the horizon, combine with the fact that 40k is the only game I play on a regular basis has given me reason to re-evaluate my hobby priorities.
Furthermore I've had to recently check my aspirations regarding painting at a competition level after my last attempt to enter the Crystal Dragon. I've learned that I don't really have the artistic talent, or patience for it. So I've decided to focus on a solid table-top quality for most of my projects. That is not to say I'm going to stop trying completely, but I won't go out of my way to spend months at a time on a project for a comp. If I have something ready in time, great. If not, no big deal, I've got bigger projects to tackle in both hobby and life.

This reflection has led me to think about what I want to get out of my future hobby work. For example, I've put in a great deal of effort in bringing my Spartan Games stuff to painted, yet nobody in Canberra plays it, including the Halo Wars stuff. While no doubt much of it has made me a better painter for that scale, having it languish in storage unplayed seems like wasted effort. To this effect I've decided to plan out my hobby time and break it into actionable chunks, good life advice in general for tackling any problem so large that you can't store it in your brain as one coherent thought.

So with that in mind, my hobby goals are as follows:
  • Have an army for all of the major system.
    I already have three 40k armies which I will be adding to, as well as starting a new all Primaris force and some Dark Eldar waiting for assembly in paint. Since 40k is my most played game this is fine, despite being saturated. I have a full crew for Malifaux, all I need to do is get some games in. A full force of PanO for Infinity which I will be rounding out with a TAG next cycle. I have a Cygnar and Team Yankee force, both of which I'll slowly be growing. Finally, my Bolt Action / Konflict 47 should be ready soon and that will be all for 28mm WWII. In terms of skirmish games I have a Frostgrave warband fully painted and ready, shame the scene has died locally. I'm also looking into starting an Age of Sigmar skirmish warband, we'll see about the specifics once I grab a copy of the book.
  • Play more games.
    My regular gaming group does a fortnightly games Sunday, which is about the right sweet spot for me. However, I'd like to play some of my other minis. To do this I'm going to investigate what is happening locally with Infinity and get in on the Malifaux scene, which has a regular, but inconveniently timed regular night.
  • Paint at least one display quality piece a year.
    While I have been demoralised about painting to a high standard recently I have got a fresh bunch of 40k minis that I'm aiming to do to a high standard. Notably the third Triumvirate set, Rowboat Gullyman and pals. I've also got one of the high quality sculpts from Twisted and the Excelsior Warpriest from AoS. I'm going to aim fairly high for these chaps and try to put them on a decent display base, but I doubt I'll make the cut in the next Crystal Dragon, as such I'm not going to devote too much time for them. I've got too much to do.
In a semi-related note, I have taken up Unity Game development because I'm a sucker for punishment apparently. While it is cutting into my hobby time quite substantially, I'm well on my way to having a viable game to release, probably for free on Itch.Io as some kind of Unity WebPlayer thing. Anyway, I hope to do this blog more in future as Tumblr is not really the environment for long winded pieces like these. I'll also be reposting my articles that I have written for Tumblr to here as time goes on, I've already posted my piece on how to paint Bolt Action British Riflemen. Anyway, have a good one.

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